Deploy Service in Zeabur CLI

Deploy services with one click in dashboard is easy, but if you want to deploy services in your terminal with one command, we've got you covered.

Install Zeabur CLI

Zeabur CLI is a command line tool that helps you to deploy services in your terminal.

# HomeBrew (Linux and macOS)
brew install zeabur/tap/cli
# Using Script (Linux and macOS)
curl -sSL | bash
# Windows Users
iwr -useb | iex

You can also download the binary file from GitHub Release Page (opens in a new tab).

You can check the status of CLI with zeabur --help command to make sure it's installed correctly.

zeabur --help

CLI help

Login your account

After the installation is complete, you need to login your account to deploy services.

zeabur auth login

Press Enter to open the login page in your browser, and then click on the Confirm button, you will be redirected to the terminal and see the login success message.

Deploy service

Now you are ready to deploy your service, just run the following command in your service directory.


Then you need to follow the guide to select or create a project where your service will be deployed.

After that, you will see the deployment progress in your terminal. Wait for a few seconds, your service will be automatically deployed, and you will get the service URL in the terminal.

Deploy in CLI