Deploy Botway CE on Zeabur

Zeabur provides a one-click deployment feature for the Botway CE service, enabling you to swiftly set up Botway CE on Zeabur.

Deploying Botway CE Service

In your project, click Create Service, select Marketplace and then search for Botway CE.

Deploy "Botway CE"

After selecting "Botway CE", Zeabur will automatically deploy the Botway CE service for you.

Environment Variables

After the Botway CE service is successfully deployed, Zeabur will automatically inject environment variables into the service. Currently, the following variables are available:

  • PKGS

Connecting to Botway CE

Here I use Zeabur's built-in Generate Domain feature to create a Domain, click Generate Domain in the Networking section.

Create "Botway CE Domain"

Once it's created, open the Domain and enter the password from the PASSWORD environment variable to begin using Botway CE.

Setup "Botway CE"